
Recommendations from urban front line workers in Belgium
Mattias de Backer presents recommendations from urban front line workers in Belgium who are trying to solve the needs of vulnerable groups such as asylum seekers and unauthorized migrants. Read more (in Dutch)
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Elisabeth Kirndörfer and Kathrin Hörschelmann have spoken with actors in refugee initiatives in Leipzig. The results of their research highlight the difficult situation in asylum accommodation and care facilities and underline the increased need for action in the areas of accommodation, communication and education. Read more.
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Lockdown in the Netherlands
Mieke Kox and Ilse van Liempt published the first out of three blogs about the impact of the current COVID-19 pandemic on asylum seekers, refugees and unauthorized migrants in Amsterdam. This first blog discusses the impact of the corona crisis on asylum seekers. Read more Next week, part 2 on the impact on the current…
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Robin Finlay, Matthew Benwell and Peter Hopkins wrote a blog on the impact of the current corona crisis on asylum seekers in Newcastle. Over recent weeks and months, the complexity of the Covid-19 crisis has become clearer with wide-reaching and severe societal implications. Of particular concern, are the impacts on already marginalised groups, who invariably…
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The hidden Coronacrisis
Mattias de Backer wrote a blog about the impact of the current corona crisis on the use of public space by young refugees, unauthorized migrants and other vulnerable groups in Belgium. This contribution is based on the testimonials of some 25 first-line workers who, despite the dangers associated with the Covid-19 pandemic, still try to…
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2-day transnational networking meeting in Brussels
5 and 6 Februari, all researchers and associated partners of the ‘Refugee Youth in Public Space’ project met in Brussels for a transnational networking meeting. The first day, the researchers constructively discussed the progress and future plans of the project while the associated partners met during an interactive networking session at Globe Aroma to get…
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Guest lecture at the Museum Youth University by Mieke Kox
What happens if you flee to the Netherlands? 13 September 2020, Mieke Kox will hold a guest lecture at the Museum Youth University in the Netherlands for children between 8 and 12 years old. She will discuss the experiences of refugees, asylum seekers and other migrants after arrival in the Netherlands and address matters as…
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AAG Panel Session ‘Urban Geographies of Refugee Youth: Public Space, Urban Infrastructure and Everyday Practices’
Cancelled due to covid-19 A session with presentations of Robin Finlay, Ilse van Liempt, David Roberts and Seth Cavello. Patricia Ehrkamp will act as a discussant. Day: 9-4-2020 Start / End Time: 4:55 / 6:10 Room: Capitol, Sheraton, IM Pei Tower, Terrace Level Organizers: Robin Finlay, Ilse Van Liempt, Kathrin Hörschelmann Chairs: Robin Finlay Refugee youth often…
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IMISCOE 2020 – two panel sessions (30 June – 2 July, 2020)
Cancelled due to covid-19 Two accepted panel sessions: Urban Geographies of Refugee Youth – Public Space, Urban Infrastructure and Everyday Practices Refugee youth often find themselves in precarious and ambivalent positions in the cities and towns where they have settled. Insecure housing, lack of social networks, employment restrictions, possible exposure to localised regimes of racism…
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