Refugee Youth in Public Space


New position former HERA research assistant Carola Vasileiadi

We are happy to announce that today Carola Vasileiadi has started working as a PhD candidate on the URBIMM project in Rotterdam and Thessaloniki. Carola was a former research assistant in our HERA project on Refugee Youth and Public Space and contributed to the organisation of the final HERA conference in Amsterdam.  Carola is interested in creative ethnographic methods to shed light on experiences of marginalized groups that potentially counteract exclusionary discourses and policies. By doing ethnographic research in Thessaloniki, a transit city in the north of Greece for people on the move, she aims to contribute to an understanding of their everyday lived experiences in the city. Through URBIMM, she opts to improve local policies and service provision towards undocumented migrants (for more information see Given all the work she has done within the HERA project, we are confident that Carola is a excellent fit for the project. We are looking forward to hearing more about it!