Refugee Youth in Public Space


New blog on storymapping-workshops in Leipzig

Check out this new blog written by Elisabeth Kirndörfer. She discusses her experiences with three storymapping-workshops that took place in September 2020 in Leipzig (Germany). The aim of these workshops was to re-map the city from a perspective that is mostly underrepresented within urban narratives: the perspective of young refugees and asylum seekers. Inspired by the method of “collective biography” (Hawkins, Al-Hindi, Moss & Kern 2016), we asked the following questions: “Which places in Leipzig are important to me?”, “What  have I experienced there?”, “Which smells and/or tastes do I connect with these places?” and “Which feelings do these places evoke in me?” The combination of storytelling and mapping allowed us to capture the complexities and ambivalences but also commonalities between processes of arrival and their individuality.

Here you can read more (in German) on her experiences and check out the pictures made by Munaf Al-Dulaimi.